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Introversion Explained: Understand Your Introverted Employees

There's nothing wrong with being introverted vs extroverted, yet many bosses misunderstand the value of introverts. If you think introversion is a negative trait, read below to see why you're WRONG.

Introversion: Not a Second-Class Personality

I'm not going to try to convince you that introverted individuals are better than extroverted individuals. I'm simply arguing that introverts are not worse, not team players, less engaged, paying less attention, boring, dry, tired, less creative, more sensitive, less charismatic, etc, etc, etc.

Instead, I'd like to introduce a new way of interpreting social signals and cues from introverts to understand and recognize how introverts are an asset to any professional team. Most people just want to do a great job, but introverts go and about it differently than an extrovert would, and this is a good thing.

What Are "Introversion" and "Extroversion"?

What are introversion and extroversion? They exist on a spectrum but generally, introverts enjoy being alone while extroverts like being with people.
Introversion and extroversion exist on a spectrum, rather than being two sides of a coin. A person can fall anywhere on this spectrum, including somewhere in the middle. These people tend to self-identify as ambiverts.

There are countless writings out there explaining the difference between introverts and extroverts, so I won't dive too deep into this. The foundational difference between introverts and extroverts is which situations they feel energized in. Typically, introverts feel most energized when doing solitary tasks and activities, such as writing and reading. Extroverts tend to feel most energized in social situations and they enjoy large groups of people.

Notice that I didn't mention anything to do with social skills, intelligence, or creativity. Unfortunately, it can be easier to try to apply stereotypes to other people instead of getting to know them and evaluate them on a one-by-one basis. As a result, just because an introvert might tend to be less ready to jump into a group conversation at work, they might be told that they're not fun. Meanwhile, the reason they aren't jumping in to the conversation is really because they're listening deeply, analyzing what is being said, and waiting until they have something of value to add.

Of course, introverts know that others can't read their minds and figure out what is happening internally. Rather, I'd argue that it's worth the effort to understand that the action of being quiet ≠ being disengaged from the social culture at work. All introverts want is the benefit of the doubt.

Misconceptions About Introverts

Misconceptions about introverts lead people to believe we are shy and quiet.
Misconceptions about introverts lead people to believe we are shy and quiet.

There are a lot of common misconceptions about introverts that I think lead to people devaluing us and the work we do. I've suggested some alternative ways to view our behavior below. Keep these in mind when interacting with the introverts in your life.

Misconception Reality
Unfriendly or antisocial. Reserved and observant before speaking.
Shy or low-energy. Don't feel the need to talk a lot.
Hyperfocused or easily distracted. Prefer to concentrate on one thing at a time.
Don't enjoy social situations. Better 1-on-1.
Lack confidence. People are less likely to notice our confidence cues.

How to Overcome Introversion at Work

Introverts at work.
I'm tired of people being surprised when I tell them I work in marketing.

So, after all that, how can one overcome introversion at work? The answer is: you don't have to! Haven't you been paying attention? Introversion is not a character flaw. We are not secondary to extroverts. We are just different and that is not a bad thing.

For example, I recently started doing live streams for my job in which I intervew a subject with a focus on digital marketing and technology. I didn't expect this task to be an area where I could thrive. I used my introverted tendencies to tackle this new challenge. I carefully planned and prepped and by the time I executed my first interview, I felt confident. This was reflected on camera and the interview was a success.

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